Recording "The Peppermint
Twist" on "Hang Loose", Alleycat Studios,
Reading, Dec 1995

Final show at the original
"Free Butt" Brighton.
Brighton Surf Festival , on the
beach, 1997

Castellon, Spain, July 1997, with
King of Spanish Rock'n'Roll Radio, Juan de Pablos, and
Israel from Shock Treatment.
The Matisse, Valencia, Spain,
November 1997 tour


Outside The Trilobyte, Madrid,
November 1997 tour
Ray croons "His Latest
Flame" backed by Shock Treatment, live at The
Ricoamor, Castellon, Spain November 97
Steve, Chris, Andrea from The
Manges and Ray woof down their first pizza in Italy,
Genoa, 1999

Dumb tourists Pisa '99
Our home town shows off it's surf heritage by
shipping in tons of sand and turning the town centre into
a beach for three weeks in the summer of 99. |